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Your expert in energy und CO2 management

We provide you with individual support on all topics relating to energy efficiency in energy management as well as CO2 management. With our software solutions Energy Monitor and CO2 Monitor, you always have an overview of your energy and CO2 balance, which you can use to identify optimization potential in your energy budget. This allows you to reduce your energy sustainably – and in many places even without investment costs!

OPTENDA, based in Stuttgart, is a subsidiary of the energy supplier Iqony.

Energy Monitor Software

Put an end to increasing energy costs:
Our software Energy Monitor provides transparency for your energy consumption

With the Energy Monitor you can detect power wastage and thus save energy and costs.

In addition, you can optimize your production costs with the energy monitoring and create a responsible use of energy resources among your employees – and all this easily and transparently.

The software supports you with the automated recording and analysis of energy consumption and offers you the perfect tool for your energy management. The energy efficiency of your company can thus be optimized quickly and for the long term.

OPTENDA Energy Monitor Software Erfassung aller Energiearten
OPTENDA Energy Monitor Software flexibel gestaltbare Dashboards
OPTENDA Energy Monitor Software Energiemanagement nach ISO 50001
OPTENDA Energy Monitor Software unbegrenzte Anzahl an Messpunkten und Datenpunkten
OPTENDA Energy Monitor Software unbegrenzte Anzahl an Nutzern und Usern

Features & functions of the Energy Monitor

The following overview will show you the most important functions and features of the Energy Monitor.
For information on further analysis and evaluation tools, technical specifications and general questions, just send us a message.

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Individual Dashboards

The Energy Monitor’s dashboard serves as the program’s main interface. The view can be fully customized so that the user has instant access to the most important information. Each user can choose which analysis they want to see in this section. A managing director, for example, can choose different analyses than an energy manager. There are no restrictions on the number of dashboards available.

Analysis functions

Analysis functions

The various analysis functions in the Energy Monitor enable the detailed evaluation of energy consumption. The individual visualizations make potential savings visible directly.

  • Load curve analysis
  • Consumption diagram
  • Continuous characteristic curve
  • Heat map/grid diagram
  • Scatter plot
  • Sankey diagram
Key figures

Key figures

In order to make the energy status of a company quantifiable, individual key figures can be created in the Energy Monitor. This enables the mapping of individual allocations of different consumptions in various relationships to each other, making energy consumption easier to grasp.

New key figures can be easily created using the calculation rule editor. Say goodbye to the tedious programming of Excel evaluations!

Regression analysis

Multivariate regression analysis

With the analysis of multivariate regression, you can quickly and easily check possible factors influencing energy consumption. At the same time, the success of savings measures can be proven. The regression analysis in the Energy Monitor is based on the specifications of ISO 50001:2018.

Kanban task management

Task management with Kanban board

The Kanban board enables the clear representation of all possible tasks that arise in energy management. This enables effective collaboration on the one hand and appropriate documentation on the other.

Manual data capture

Manual data capture

If not all measuring devices and meters have been digitized (yet) and therefore cannot be integrated into the Energy Monitor, the data can still be easily added manually. With the help of a QR code on the corresponding meter, which links directly to the recording screen in the software, the consumption data can be recorded manually in just a few steps.

By the way: The Energy Monitor thinks for itself: The plausibility check of the entered measured values directly checks whether an error has occurred during entry.

More Features

Automated reports

No more manually collecting individual data: The report function in the Energy Monitor compiles individual reports completely automatically. Once created, the report is then sent by the software as a PDF to the defined group of recipients at the appropriate time interval.

Extension of measurement and data points

If a new consumption point is added, it can easily be added to the Energy Monitor on its own. In addition, the number of measuring and data points is not limited. This means that there are no hidden additional costs for the expansion of licenses at a later point in time.

Simple user management

Various authorizations can be assigned to individual users for simple and effective collaboration. Depending on the task area, only the required functions are available. This is possible not only for individual users, but also for user groups.

Alerts and notifications

If a defined limit value is exceeded in energy consumption, this triggers an alarm in the Energy Monitor that indicates it. In this way, it is possible to react immediately in case of an acute need for action. In addition, notifications can also be set up, for example for the manual reading of a metering point, so that this task won’t be not forgotten.


Location-based weather data

The weather usually has a direct influence on energy consumption. In order to document such effects in the software as well, our software simply provides you with location-related weather data.

CO2 Monitor Software

The perfect tool for your CO2 management:
Record the CO2 emissions of your company without any effort and create saving concepts and strategies

How long does it take you to create your CO2 balance?

Finally, an end to the arduous task of calculating CO2 balances in Excel and other spreadsheet programs: The CO2 Monitor takes care of the time-consuming data preparation and categorization for you. The software is always up to date and compliant with recognized standards, allowing for effective CO2 management. Hence, instead of wasting time compiling and categorized emissions or researching emission factors, start planning and implementing reduction measures.

CO2 balance according to GHG Protocol

All information clearly arranged

Create the basis for your climate strategy with the creation of an up-to-date carbon footprint. The CO2 Monitor guides you intuitively and simply through the entire data collection process and generates a finished CO2 balance sheet in PDF format as a result. The greenhouse gas balance in the software follows the structure of the GHG Protocol and divides all emissions into Scopes 1 to 3 - into direct and indirect emissions of the company as well as indirect emissions along the entire value chain. The carbon footprint also contains all other relevant data, such as documentation on the emission factors used. This means that the information does not have to be laboriously recorded or compiled. Once all the data for the balance sheet has been recorded, the software creates a finished PDF report with the visually prepared data in clear diagrams and tables.

CO2 savings scenarios

Simple creation and management of CO2 savings strategies

Use the CO2 Monitor to develop the strategy that will enable your company to achieve its climate targets. To do this, you can create as many scenarios as you like in the software, which can be enriched with different implementation measures. The software helps you to calculate which measure will save how much CO2. This allows you to decide which scenario is best suited to achieving your goals. The scenarios and measures are visualized in a clear waterfall diagram. The timetable provides an overview of the entire strategy.


A company has set itself the goal of reducing its CO2 emissions by 100% by 2035. In order to achieve this, measures must now be defined that are planned for implementation. So far, these include the purchase of its own PV system to generate its own electricity and the switch to completely renewable energies for the remaining electricity requirements. There are also plans to switch completely to electromobility and reduce air travel as much as possible. The CO2 Monitor calculates how much CO2 each measure saves and how much it contributes to the overall target. In this scenario, the company would only have saved a good third of its greenhouse gas emissions with the planned measures and must therefore define further measures in order to achieve the target set.

Simple data capture

A finished balance sheet in just a few clicks

Data is entered in the CO2 Monitor using ready-made forms and input fields. Manual programming of formulas and calculations, such as in Excel files or similar applications, is therefore no longer necessary.

With the software, you can complete your CO2 balance with just a few clicks. You can follow the individual steps in the software in the video (German):

Flexible options

Flexible & customizable

Use the CO2 Monitor to create as many balances as you need and to what extent you need them:

For one or more locations

You can create a carbon footprint for a company, for a single location or for several different locations.

Number of balances as required

Whether per month, quarter or year: you can decide how often you want to carry out the CO2 balancing or how many you want to create.

Connection to databases

All data centralized in one place

The CO2 Monitor is linked to the DEFRA and ProBas databases (database of the German Federal Environment Agency), which ensures that the emission factors are up to date.

It is also possible to integrate your own databases into the software. This means that all relevant data can be accessed centrally, saving you a lot of time!

Available languages

Available language versions of the software

The CO2 Monitor is available in the following languages:

  • German
  • English
  • Italian
  • Spanish
  • French
  • Portoguese

The language versions are continuously being expanded by our internal software development team. Do you need a specific language? Please feel free to contact us!

Your experts for energy efficiency and CO2 reduction

Stop wasting energy:
OPTENDA is your cupport for saving energy and CO2 emissions

You want to learn more about us?

OPTENDA GmbH is a service provider for energy and CO2 management and corresponding software solutions based in Stuttgart, Germany.

With our direct parent company Iqony Sustainable Energy Solutions GmbH (SENS) in Würzburg, Germany, we are part of the energy producer Iqony, located in Essen, Germany. As OPTENDA, we support you in improving the energy efficiency of your company through digital energy and CO2 management.

You can find more information about us on our German website. If you want more information in English, the best thing to do is just send us a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible. We are looking forward to hearing from you!
